This review presents a cohesive approach to treating patients with Gaucher disease. The spectrum of the clinical presentation of the disease is broad, yet heretofore there was only one disease-specific treatment. In the past 2 years, a global shortage of this product has resulted in reassessment of the “one enzyme–one disease–one therapy” mantra. It has also showcased the multiple levels that engage the patient, the treating physician, and the third-party insurer in providing adequate treatment to all symptomatic patients. The key points summarizing the way I manage my patients include accurate enzymatic diagnosis with mutation analysis (for some prognostication and better carrier detection in the family), a detailed follow-up every 6-12 months (with an option to see consultants and attention to comorbidities), and initiation of enzyme replacement therapy according to symptoms or deterioration in clinically significant features or both. I do not treat patients with very mild disease, but I consider presymptomatic therapy for patients at risk, including young women with poor obstetric history…
How I treat Gaucher disease
שנת פרסום ראשונה: 2011
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מפרסם: Blood Journal